For Cajsa’s lovely Donna Flora A to Z challenge, I picked the letter J. J stands for many things to me, but most of all my partner Jackal. Therefore I was happy to find a J outfit at Donna Flora (the Josie) that kind of reminded me of her. I styled myself in Jackal fashion, in a very stark color palate with an interesting skin and otherworldly elements, like these horns and eyes. Jackal is amazing at making her clothing look like natural extensions of herself, as if she’d sewn it all together for a good purpose, and these soft-looking Josie capris definitely suited this mood. Thanks again for the challenge, Cajsa! It was lovely to pay homage to two such lovely and whimsical creators.
Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui Arcanist shoes in grey
Outfit: Donna Flora Josie in black
Tattoo: Wicked Tattoos: born evil – dark ink
Hair: Lamb Mono in restaurant ketchup
Horns: Schadenfreude red swirling horns
Skin: (fd) Vampire Skin – 5
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