posted by Gidge Uriza
Reasonable Desires has WORLD CUP FAN outfits out at their mainstore location for 1L a piece. I just had to break out this TEAM USA outfit that my friend Austie dropped on me in honor of a wager I have going with Prad Prathivi!
I’ve offered up some genuine Georgia Praline Pecans if England kicks the ass of Team USA. I’ve suggested he bring me the heart of Adam Ant if we win. But I also said I’d accept some candy instead.
I don’t particularly think that Team USA is going to win. But Europeans nearly stroke the fuck out if you even SUGGEST Team USA might beat them, so it’d good times all around in my world. I mean, they don’t care if we beat other teams from the Americas -but BY GOD WE ARE NOT BEATING ANY EUROPEAN TEAMS. You guys can admit that I’m right, I don’t even care.
I’ll admit that most of us have our kids play soccer until we think they are big enough to play real sports.
AHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. (Half of the world’s heads just exploded, I know). LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE.

Style Notes:
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape
- SKin – Wicked Skin From SN@TCH
- Hair – Emo-tions – Stormy
- Outfit – Reasonable Desires – TEAM USA FAN OUTFIT
- All Jewelry – July 4 Jewerly from EarthStones from the past!
- Shoes – Lalika Shoes from EarthStones
- Mani and Pedi – PXL Creations