posted by Gidge Uriza
I’m addicted to that song by Jason Mraz……
Open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you’re free
Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love
I won’t hesitate no more no more
It cannot wait, I’m Yours…
It’s an addictive little tune. I’ve been singing it the past few days not even realizing it.
I couldn’t figure this hair out. At all. It’s got this script and apparently it’s my first DAY in SL and I couldn’t get the menu to pop up so that I could SELECT the texture of the hair.
I had to IM the creator Siobhan, of SLink.
“Hi I’m a fashion blogger who is also a moron and I can’t figure out your hair.”
Ok, I said something less retarded than that. I also started IMing everyone I knew trying to see if anyone OWNED this hair and could figure it out. Turns out, just like most stuff gone FUBAR -it was user error. I had attached the hud in the wrong spot vs. just wearing it. DUH.
Of course it had SAID to wear it……..but you know, I’m a 2 yr old AV don’t TELL ME HOW TO WEAR A HUD DAMMIT. (right…..I never need help)
The skin is the BEAUTIFUL Genesis skin by Ryker Beck and I’m wearing the very groovy scripted broken pearl necklace from Carolines. I actually found it wandering through the jewelry section of the InQ style feed blog which I initially dug because I like the layout and how easy it is to read the whole thing or just CATEGORIES.
And then I loved them more cuz they hired me -YEAH YOU HEARD ME PIMP MY OWN GIG. No seriously I did think it was cool before. It’s fairly tidy and easy to navigate – go check it out!
I will also make sweet love to anyone to links back to InQ and am willing to rent Cajsa out for a reasonable price. (this is a test to see if she is reading all the way throught is post as it’s gone on a bit and is rather long winded and I haven’t even gotten to the fashion details………)
Ok I can’t make sweet love to you.
But I’ll think you are cool.
Fashion Details
***Bold R indicates a review item***
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape
- Skin – Genesis – Eden – Sugar Tone – Rock Star
- Dress – SLINK – Satin Bodice Cocktail Dress in Lilac
- Shoes – SLINK – Paige – Tstrap – lilac
- Hair – SLINK – Ashley
- Necklace – Carolines – scripted broken long strand of white pearls
- Ring – Knotted – simple engraved Claddagh
- nails – love soul -french purple
I already have a link to InQ on my blog. I like that feed.
Am I cool yet? *wink*
Arcadia, you were born cool.
I love the hair. *need to dash to Slink*
I always love Caroline’s because all of her jewelries are affordable.