posted by Gidge Uriza
See that picture above? Now really look at it. Really look at it. Do you see what is wrong? No? How about now?

Nice Uber Modern Gloves?
Sooo, what’s up with these gloves? They’re a little, whacky.
My initial thought was “hmmm weird gloves” but I really like Sascha the designer and thought well, she’s doing something wonky with gloves. Whatever I’ll go with it.
Then, after seeing my original post she was horrified, and let me know this dress does NOT have gloves. Seems I’d been hit by an SL bug, but Sascha had the fix.
Not too long after, my friend QXI tells me she can’t wear her clothes except for one outfit. She says no matter what she puts on, it throws wonky textures all over in the wrong places.
Ladies, do you have this problem? Cuz I have the fix.
Look – no gloves!!!
If you experience textures showing up in the wrong places, or going blank on you – try this.
Go to the advanced menu – Rendering – features- and DESELECT palletized textures. (take off the X).
Now, go to advanced menu- character – and REBAKE textures!
You may have to do that second step a couple of times, or three, or four.
But it does fix itself.

If Lizzie Lexington calls this Ugly Betty hair I'm gonna swat her
Phew….. I am soooooo relieved that you also showed how the dress should really look like!
And yes, I like you too!
The new (Optional as of now) SL client has Palletized textures removed and the bug is fiixed, finally!