posted by Gidge Uriza
But then, it’s always a dark and stormy night in the shopping alley, now isn’t it?
Cajsa and I rested our high heel loving feet for a few in the cafe, enjoying the ambiance, and generally sitting around looking pretty.
My prettiness was courtesy of a big old box of goodies from Layniewear I received several days ago. Sleek,hip summer fashions and a fun hairstyle too.
One of my FAVORITE features of the release of this button down shirt from Layniewear is the collar option feature. Attach it to your spine or CHEST – which allows you to choose whether to wear a necklace – LOVE this! More designers should consider this – I spend forever on the dressing stand attaching things to some alternate spot so I can wear jewelry. Not so with this GREAT shirt!
Now that I blathered on about it, you can see that I did not wear a necklace. It’s because I had one on, and then I changed my shoes and then the necklace wasn’t right with the shoes and so on and so on and so on….you know.
Pairing with the button down shirt with these really crisp cuffed capris (also from Layniewear SMOOOCH Laynie thanks for the big fatpack!) I was at first hard pressed to figure out what STYLE I had going. The blouse and glasses and a little Eurotrash. (I say Eurotrash LOVINGLY). The Capris paired with the skull heels lean a little Rock-A-billy. Euro-trash-a-billy?
I’ve created a new style genre! DESIGNERS! EMBRACE IT!
I also had recently received as a gift from Callie Cline during Blogher one of the La Syphilde skins – Ingrid – which was for her CalGals only. When I saw La Syphilde skins had a sale on another line of skins – Liliana I HAD to check them out. I really love the lucious femme details on this skin – what a face!
Click HERE to See the Rest of the Euro-Trash-A-Billy shoot in the shopping alley .
Fashion Details
Shape – Gidge Custom Shape
Skin – La Syphilde – Liliana – Almond Crimson
Hair – Layniewear Marissa Dark Ash blonde
Shirt – Layniewear button down in white
Pants- Layniewear Capris in Charcoal
Shoes – Sn@tch Living Dead Shoes
Belt – Layniewear Belt
Shades – Tesla Solaris in Sliver
Nails – Love Soul Dark Red
Handbag – Indyra Originals Lucious White Handbag
** Just a Note from your spoiled Fashion Princess Gidge – If you’ve sent me review items – never fear you aren’t forgotten. I’ve got a huge QUEUE of items to be shot – I’ve been off world for almost a week moving which has been a nightmare. But I’m back and will try to catch up ASAP. Wait till you see the FANTASTIC stuff and places I’ve got to show you when I get my groove back!