Tag Archives: Bowchicka

Getting My Necessary Shopping Done

Arcade opens on the 1st and that means I have to make sure my affairs are in order. Rent is paid. Groceries purchased. I put on my sensible walking shoes and set out to stock up on the supplies that a pixel girl needs to make her world go round. This way I am ready to stock up on the supplies that a pixel girl WANTS to make her world go round.

I am ready Arcade. Let’s do this.

Gidge Is Wearing:

Skin: Pink Fuel – Harley – Crystal
Hair: Exile – London THE ARCADE
Skirt and Top: Sysy’s – Dorothy
Shoes: Bowchicka – Purismo
Hands and Feet: SLINK
Shopping Bag: Schadenfreude – THE ARCADE
Pantry, Goods and Chalkboard: Second Spaces – The Arcade