World Goth Fair is still going strong, with a little over a week left of the event. It officially ends on May 31st. There are so many musical things happening before then, which will be held at the Club Gothika. You can keep up to date on all the happenings on the Official Site HERE.
I don’t often get a chance to cover Home&Garden items. I don’t own a home, never have. I have always thought the prims best used for other things, on the lands I own. It does create issues, when I do get the urge to cover something that isn’t fashion, or when I feel the need for an actual location to show something off properly.
I picked up this gothic looking skybox from Roawenwood this week, as I felt it would work well with my WGF coverage. If it wasn’t roundish, I might have even used it as my work studio, haha. Alas, it is round, but gives me the ability to easily do setups. Much like a Turnip Skysdome, I can just plunk it down, and fill it with random stuff for the shots I need. Going to have lots of fun with this thing!
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