Tag Archives: sivocci

Casual Friday – Oooo Mr Kotter! Pick Me!

posted by Gidge Uriza

So it’s a funny story about my shoes. These stiletto’s from Periquita I picked up the day they were released.  I excitedly took them home and put them on and……

I hated them.

They didn’t fit they looked crazy they were just all wrong. So I jammed them into the back of my closet angrily and went on with my pixel life. But then, when getting dressed I wanted some heels to wear with this t-shirt (only on the grid, right?)…..and I saw these heels …….and decided to give them another try.

You would think an AV over two years old would remember that SOMETIMES the grid is borked and things don’t rezz right, look nuts etc…..and you should always give them a second try. Continue reading