Tag Archives: post apocalypse

After the Doom

I come in to the settlements to get news or when it’s barter time, just to make an appearance.  It’s important not to be forgotten out here. Not that anyone would be likely to be helpful if there was help that was needed. It’s more about position, about who you are in the grand scheme of things.

I don’t barter.

I take what I want and everyone can just like it or not.  Mostly, I don’t take anything. No need to create friction, unless I just feel like having a fight. Mostly I don’t.

I come in to the main settlement every few weeks and wander around the perimeter. You never know what you’re going to find in the settlements, newcomers, oldbies with an axe to grind that’s as old as glitchpants, or calm. I am not here for trouble, just to learn what’s new, and to remind them I’m here.

I’m always here.  Continue reading