I have to admit that one of the things I LOVE most about BOM being a thing is my ability to pull out RIDICULOUS things from the beginnings of SL and wear them. SUCH AS – these jeans from Butterfly Island – was that the place or the brand? The brand – was it Coconut Ice? Man I can’t remember….. Oh Butterfly Island, I coveted all your things once upon a time. I bought them, I stalked the lucky chairs, I was a fairy more often than not.
I went back once a couple of years ago or more and was nostalgic and sad for how amazing it used to be – and how it simply had not kept up in the way old stores don’t sometimes.
Thus, I put on my fairy jeans and relive my love of those days when belts were painted on our pants and we thought that was just lovely.

The secret these days, of course, is simply not to move too much in your BOM pants or that waistline slips around like crazy and you look nuts. Thus, I took may photos and tried to find the least nuttiest.
I don’t care. I still love these jeans. Weird painted fairies and all.

Now who wants to help me eat this gummy bear? This thing is ridiculous.
Gidge is Gummy Goodness In:
Jeans: Butterfly Island Fairy Jeans (Vintage)
Brows: Izzie’s – LeLutka Evolution – Eyebrows 16 pink 75%
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Top: =Zenith=lace up tank top (Flower3) -Maitreya
Gummy Bear: Junk Food – Gummi Pop (Pink)
Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Fleur.2.0
Hair: Magika – Hair – Lyric (Size 1)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara
Shoes: [Cute orDie!] “Walking cake” sneakers (Maitreya)
Skin: [PF] – Gaia – GENUS – (nobrow)