Credits : Maitreya – Lara X body LeLutka – Briannon head Heaux – Ellen skin (Sienna) Song – Tara eyes Darkmoon – Merry Me / In the Stars eye make up Doux – IU hair Blueberry – Gift dress 2023 Clockhaus – Sonia Stockings Red Girl – Raven Socks Blueberry – Elia Combat boots
As you may have guessed, all women secretly lay about in lingerie nonstop when men aren’t around. We can’t help it, this is our preferred state. The more lacy and see through the better we like it.
We discuss the meaning of life, whether or not we need to fart and what sort of thing we might want for dinner – all while clad in slinky sweet nothings.
Aliana and I are both reclining in lovely pieces from the Alaska Metro/Free Dove Hunt. 10 items are available, five at Free Dove and five at her mainstore. All five are awesome and you need them. Trust us.
It’s a peaceful, genteel life that we lead. I highly recommend it.
BRB – someone on the internet was wrong…
Valetine Eve Gidge is Wearing:
Gidge is Wearing: Lingerie: alaskametro<3 “Influencer” lingerie – black Rober: alaskametro<3 “Sakura” robe – white (Maitreya) Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Lilly.2.5 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Hair: Wasabi // Natasha Mesh Hair Skin: [Pink Fuel] – Millie – LELUTKA – (ltbrow)
Aliana is wearing: Lingerie: alaskametro<3 “Starlet” lace bodysuit – black (all) Hair: DOUX – Elhsa Hairstyle [M/Boobs] Ring: KUNGLERS – Valentine rings R Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Lilly.2.5 (static ears) Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Ring: Ysoral .: Luxe Wedding Ring Linsey:.(Maitreya)(Left) Skin: alaskametro<3 “Serenity II” skin Tone 1 – drk brow (mesh body)