Tag Archives: Cae’s

Does it Get Weirder Than Baked on Mesh?

I continue to play with the concept of Bakes On Mesh (WHY CAN’T WE CALL IT BAKED ON MESH?) and decided there was no more fun place to see what I could do than at my good friend Putrid’s place.

Putrid likes weird, and I like Putrid. It’s perfect.

I wandered around her club Sticky Fingers and was quite entertained to realize that my tattoos still show up properly over my “BAKED ON MESH SKIN”. I’d like to understand how the layering of all that works but no, I’m just going to pass and say WELL DONE THIS IS AWESOME.

Mesh body, mesh clothes, mesh shoes, applier tights and tattoos. Am I happy? Yeah I’m pretty happy. Continue reading