I have wrapped nothing but it’s been a weird holiday season. I almost wish I could have a do-over. I’d be kinder and more festive, I would have been more social and I would have been more giving to others.
As it is, I’m just wandering the grid wondering what I’m going to do next.
That’s the big question isn’t it? After Christmas we all have to start thinking on resolutions and serious business don’t we?

My shoes are hilarious, little Christmas scenes in each which I find adorable. The purse was a must have for the holidays as well.

Well let’s see what I can get done in the next 24 hours – shall we?
Gidge is Ready for St Nick In:
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Bag: >Kiu< – Christmas Candy Bag (Arm Right)_Green
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX KAYA 3.1
Shoes: Ahegao – Festive Heels – Clear White – Lara
Necklace: Cae :: Basics – Solitaire :: Short Necklace
Skirt and Sweater: cheezu. bianca s
Hair: Exile:: Lysa+
Earrings: lassitude & ennui Snowflake earring silver
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Skin: Glam Affair AVA