Category Archives: Features


Beautiful Lingerie – now at Shop & Hop from ALASKA METRO

I was originally compelled to run over to the Shop & Hop event because of the beautiful lingerie that Alaska Metro posted on Plurk. Lingerie in SL can be so run of the mill, so boring. There are only a few brands I’ll even bother looking at. But Alaska isn’t just a really creative, quality skinner, the clothing items she makes are always top notch.

Such as, this gorgeous piece.

She’s having an INSANE sale at her main store as well – at least I think it’s still going on. I urge you to RUN don’t walk to both Shop & Hop and her main store. I think I snagged this lingerie for less than 50L.

What are you waiting for?

You can run over to the Shop & Hop event by taking this taxi.

You might be tempted to just run to look for one thing, I suggest you get a cold drink and take a leisurely stroll around all four sims. Every booth (nearly) has a free gift of some sort and they’re not even all chokers (as you know the LAMEST of all free gifts IMO).

But seriously, there is MUCH to love.

Gidge is Sexy In:

Glasses: (Yummy) Cat Eye Readers – Pastel Pink

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya

Head: .LeLutka.Head.Greer 3.4

Hair: Exile:: Yasmin – collabor88

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.0

Slippers: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Rose

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Skin: -Glam Affair – Amberly II – Asia 01 E

Cooking for One

I just stick my hand right in, yes I do.

My house is finally coming together with the requisite Gidginess that is required of any place I call home. The ocean air really makes me feel like I’m home again, and I’m finally figuring out what things are going to be part of my 2020 SLife.

Even as the evening cools off, I love these big windows letting in the fresh air. Warm soup, warm tea, perfect evening.

Life in Bellisseria is quiet and lovely. Wish you were here.

Gidge is hanging out in:

Skin: Glam Affair

Tank: :::Sn@tch Mindy Ribbed Bodysuit Top (Red-U):::

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink

Head: .LeLutka.Head.Greer 3.4

Top: .miss chelsea. Hali Sweater HG Garbage

Hair: Exile:: Kat (L)

Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Pants: [HG]The Secret Store – Lois Fitted Pants – Black Marble

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape

I Own This Dress

Ever get that feeling of Deja Vu and you’re not sure why? I picked up this dress for free at an event because hey, free dresses are good (sometimes). I was tickled that it wasn’t fug when I got dressed for SL Blogger work and decided it would be my styling inspiration for the day.

As I stood there doing my hair and deciding on jewelry I had this nagging feeling and I wondered, hadn’t I see this before.

I definitely already owned this dress.

So, there are some things I’ve decided and these are them.

  1. I definitely owned this dress or a dress that is EERILY similar.
  2. This means the person I originally bought this from, and the person who put it out as a gift purchased a template.
  3. The person I originally made this dress might have later released it as a template.

What do I think about these things?

I think I don’t fucking care.

Here’s the thing, free gifts are one of those things that are either amazing or garbage. They’re free so you can’t really complain but none of us need new “freebie” chokers if someone could please take note of that. You wanna drop some sexytimes scripts in one and make it free you might gain kudos from a certain crowd but mostly man, nobody wants that your freebie choker.

Templates don’t burn my butter like they do some people. I’m not mad. Seriously. I’m not too good to wear a template so have at it. If I like it I’m not gonna be salty with you about what you’ve released unless it’s ugly or stupid.

Yes, I’m the one who decides if it’s stupid.

With that being said, I also want to say that some templates are garbage. Please check them out a bit before you drop them out for sale or for free.

With all of THAT being said, I’m actually really delighted with this dress. It’s very cute and sassy. I liked it the first time, I like it this time. Well done both of you who picked out this one or whatever it is that happened.

I didn’t go looking t see where I got it originally. I don’t care. I’m at peace.

Now, I need to finish my house.

Gidge is playing it again in:

Skin: Glam Affair

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink

Head:.LeLutka.Head.Greer 3.4

Shoes: fame femme: Lina heels – SLink – Red

Necklace: LaGyo_Metis necklace Gold

Dress: Seniha. Kristy Dress 2 // Hourglas

Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Hair: [LCKY] Poppy

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape

Midweek Work

I chose the smaller bedroom for my own sleeping quarters in this big old house. It’s got the best views of the sea and I’ll use the bigger room for a giant closet/dressing room.

I’m off to get a bit of work done today, but I can’t wait to get home and return to decorating my new house.

It’s a Thursday but it’s a Monday but I don’t even care.

Happy whatever day it is everyone!

Gidge is waking up in: 

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink

Head:.LeLutka.Head.Greer 3.4

Lingerie:CLOE.Farrah Diamond

Hair: Exile:: Alibi (BENTO)

Body:Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Skin: -Glam Affair – Greer – Asia

New Year New House

I had a great idea for my solo New Year’s Adventure. I was going to go hop on the train at Red Hook and take pics of people’s lovely Victorians and just enjoy this lovely area. I thought it was an amazing plan. Then I stood at the train station and no train came, and I couldn’t find a button to push to request the train. I was probably doing something wrong but I could NOT figure out WHAT.

I ended up giving up and getting in my car and going for a drive.

It was a great time for an early morning drive, but eventually I wound up at the end of Bellisseria and found the beach. Of course some how these lucky sods had these AMAZING beach views – just stunning. I parked and walked along the beach while the sun continued it’s dance upward. There is definitely something to be said for these Victorians on the beach.

I decided to drown my sorrows in some treats and just spend the rest of the day languishing in my own beautiful Victorian. Such sorrow, truly.

No such thing as too many macarons

I found a pretty cute grocery to stop in at. It actually had some sort of role play farmers market and vegetables with expiration dates. This is too much of a time commitment for moi. I am intrigued but no, just no.

Maybe? No, no no. No actual food that expires I cannot.

I ordered in Sushi, put on a movie and decided I was in for the night. The cats didn’t mind and truly, I crashed on the couch and didn’t have a care in the world. 2019 was good, and I’m not worked up about 2020. It will be fine. Every single year doesn’t have to be some groundbreaking event. Sometimes just making it happen is enough.

I did, however, wake up and move house.

Because – beachy Vic.

Gidge is 2020 In:

Earrings: (Caroline’s Jewelry) Kennedy Black Pearl Earrings
Shirt: (NO) Basic Tee – Fitmesh Slink Hourglass – Hangry
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink
Head: .LeLutkaGreer 3.4
Shoes: Bleich – Mesh Dorothy – White [F Slink Flat]
Shorts: JustBECAUSE~Kelsie Shorts~FatPack~Hourglass
Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0
Hair: Tableau Vivant \ Starry Night \ Updo – [Review]
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit 2019
Skin: -Glam Affair – Amberly II – Asia 01 E

Well We HAD a Date

Cajsa and I had a date for a fancy black tie event but then she wasn’t well. I however was already dress so I decided to do a bit of wandering. I was having a stroll down memory lane – wondering if the old Moulin Rouge was still there. It’s not. There’s a new club of the same name but it’s none the same, nothing ever is.

It did however have nice people, friendly people even. That was what I loved so much about the old one, gone now for so many years. All the fun with our friends – I wonder where they’ve all scattered to?

Gidge was ready for a Date in:

Skin: -Glam Affair – Amberly II – Asia 01 E

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink

Head: .LeLutka.Head.Greer 3.4

Earrings: Donna FloraALIENA 

Gown: Bliss Gown HOURGLASS ::VoodooMonkey::

Hair: Exile:: For the First Time

Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Shoes: [Gos] Amanda Peeptoe Slingbacks – Gold [slink]

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

At Home Again, Naturally

The Tree is up – the harpsichord is playing a lovely sarabande and I’m really settling in to my new place. It’s brand new – no one ever lived in it before me – kind of a fun idea. I lived over at Meadowbrook and I’m sure it had previous tenants – it had that noob smell. But these Victorians are fresh off the griddle. I’m liking this huge space and beautifully landscaped parks and streets.

What I’d like to see next are towns, make us a little market, a little church and a post office. Complete the narrative of these little neighborhoods with beautifully curated places for us.

What do you think should be next? Mass transit? Little villages? What would help complete the narrative of our communities for YOU?

My second night in my home finds me not sleeping on the sofa but comfy in the bed of the moment, I might have to get out something else. I’ve got too many beds, I’m not sure which one I want to use.

For now, I’m content.

Gidge is Glamorous In: 

Head: .LeLutka.Head.Greer 3.3

Skin: Pink Fuel – Anya

Robe: erratic / shae – satin robe / baroque gold (maitreya)

Hair: Exile:: Hana

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1

Shoes: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Coal

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Winter Wonderland

The Weather Outside is Frightful

I’m wandering around doing holiday things today. I found a sweet little sim with most of the things for sale. sure, they’re older and the prim count is higher on some of them but it’s still super fun.

I may go back and buy the carousel. I don’t know. Does this fit with my victorian themed house? I don’t wanna be THAT neighbor but still- CAROUSEL!

Have you done your holiday shopping? Are you ready? I am NOT. Don’t even have stockings up yet. I’m ridiculous. I just moved though is it even my fault? I don’t think so.

The snow was fun but the place was so laggy it just rezzed and unrezzed super fast. So fun but eh. Too much going on, too many scripts. YET – super fun.

With this…I’m off to finish unpacking my things. I hate setting up house!

Gidge is Doing Christmassy Things In: 

Jeans:::Sn@tch Cocky  Jeans (Blue):::

Skin: -Belleza- Paige Fair Gloss 8

Nails: Flair

Hair: Exile:: Amber

Shoes: Ingenue :: Amelia Boots (Hourglass) :: Scarlet

Sweater: OSMIA – Merry.Sweater – Hourglass – Red Print

Turtleneck: OSMIA – Merry.Turtleneck – Hourglass – White Striped

Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Head: Slink Visage Redux Ashlynn Head V 1.0.0

Pet Carrier: TuTy’s Pet carrier – scripted bag with chiwawa

Eyes: Izzie’s – Whiskey Eyes (lights) purple

Gidge Goes Victorian

My Water Feature

I was feeling a bit adventurous and rolled the dice on getting one of the new Victorian Homes. Despite the fact that this moved me away from Cajsa – their siren song was just too compelling. My first try I got a lovely spot next to this beautiful water feature.

I have no complaints.

Of course I only had to ride my bike a short way to find people immediately ruining the beautifully curated garden landscape.

I was too dumfounded to let the paving stones rez. What the hell is that? What are you doing?

I get it if you wanna have a vehicle. At least have the sense to put it behind your house.

My friend Gogolita is the decor police – I may have to join her in this endeavor. These are so well done, it’s just tragic if people can’t maintain the look really. How hard is it not to put out crap that doesn’t match?

I’m giving these guys a pass, they might be trying to decide what they like.

Have you made the jump to the Linden Victorians? This is the time – get yours now and let’s make a community! I will put some coffee on and you can come over any time! I promise!

Gidge is at Home In a Victorian: 

Jeans: Maitreya Skinny Jeans  – #01

Nails: Flair

Shirt: (NO) Off Shoulder Tee – Fitmesh – Send Nudes? – M

Camera: AMITOMO.Bon Voyage Gacha [RARE] Vintage Twin-lens reflex camera

Shoes: Blueberry – Group Gift – Shoes Slink Flat

Earrings: Cae :: Lumi :: Earring 

Hair: Magika – Luxe Box: May (Size A)

Body: Slink Physique Original Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Head: Slink Visage Redux Ashlynn Head V 1.0.0

Ears: Slink Visage Redux F Ear Augment Short Point V1.0.0

Shape: Slink Visage Shape Ashlynn 2

Skin: .::Mother Goose’s::.courney LB

Eyes: Izzie’s – Whiskey Eyes (lights) purple

New Home: Oatley Sim

Christmas Times Approach

Kicking off the week and apparently I’ve got the thing happening where a line shows up in my pics. Look my poor little shadow was decapitated by it. Sad. It’s been so long since I saw that I forget the dang solution.

I’ll remember it at some point.

I hope your week was amazing and that your Monday is tolerable.

Gidge is Ready for Monday In:

Hair: Exile:: Olivia

Clothes: Ingenue :: Aria Teddy [PHYSIQUE] :: Poinsettia

Body: Slink Physique Original Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Head: Slink Visage Redux Ashlynn Head V 1.0.0

Ears: Slink Visage Redux F Ear Augment Short Point V1.0.0

Skin: [PF] Doll <Porcelain>  – Love Donna Flora (ltbrow)

Eyes: Izzie’s – Whiskey Eyes (lights) purple