I am participating in the Got Blog! Bloggers Challenge, you can find more information on this at https://sasyscarborough.com/2024/08/09/got-blog-bloggers-challenge/
And awaaaaaay we gooooo….

When did you start your Second Life Blog?
Our blog was started by my SL Bestie Cajsa Lilliehook on January 1 2008, I didn’t start blogging until May – but Cajsa took all of my photos for along time because I just didn’t understand it truthfully.
Why did you start Blogging in Second Life?
I started because I was invited by Cajsa to join her on It’s Only Fashion. I figured why not, we did everything else together in SL!
Do you feel the Blogging community in Second Life has changed since you started Blogging, and if so, in what ways?
Yes, in good and bad ways. Maybe it’s more ME that changed. There used to be a lot of cliques – that were very “You’re with us or you’re against us” and honestly I didn’t really even know who the fuck they were. Eventually we did evolve into a more cohesive community but really I think a lot of us just grew up. The community goes through cycles, new bloggers start up, sometimes they’re inventive and amazing, sometimes they think they invented the wheel. We were here when the wheel was a box. The trick for us oldbies (yeah that’s what we call ourselves) is for us not to get arrogant about it. We’ve got to realize that yes, new bloggers do have new things to show us and can help us sharpen the saw for ourselves, to quote old Zig Ziglar.
Do you think that Bloggers have a positive impact on Second Life culture and community, and if so, do you have any stories about that?
I do, I think we are in a lot of ways a big old amoeba of press and news. None of us are the same, well most of us aren’t. Some blog about issues and problems on the grid, some are passionate about the arts, some share info/stories about the varied communities we are part of, some like me have an avatar who has her own little life and she shares it – it’s a story that is random and mostly involves eating.
From the standpoint of when have we made amazing impacts? I think Hair Fair and the positive impacts we’ve made for Wigs for Kids is a great example of that. There have been other fundraisers, giving to charitable organizations that are truly inspiring. Once upon a time a dear friend of many people, Squinternet Larnia, was terminally ill – and we held an event for her at the end of her life, not after she was gone – so that she could see and feel the love the community had for her. She was so touched I found it to be one of the most moving events I’ve ever been a part of.
Our culture is one of caring for one another and I love that.

Are you approachable as a Blogger by content creators that may have interest in you as a Blogger for their Brand/Store?
Of course. I am always honored if someone thinks of me.
Do you have any tips or tricks that help you with the Blogging process that you would like to share?
There is a balance to strike between doing what you love and making it work. It’s not work if it doesn’t pay your bills. If you enjoy doing it, then great, do it and have fun. But don’t make yourself crazy doing it. I used to blog every day sometimes more than once a day. I felt this massive obligation to share share share….don’t do that. Blog for YOU first, and you’ll always find the right balance.
Have you yourself ever benefited from another Blogger’s post, such as learning a new skill for Blogging, or Second Life functions that you may not have known about?
I learn a ton of things from Sasy https://sasyscarborough.com/ and Gogo juicybomb.com . I’m not a tutorial girl, I’m lazy and want to point and click and make things work, so when it gets complicated those ladies usually have already written how to do it or help me out behind the scenes.

What kind of Blogs appeal to you as a reader, and what would you like to see more of in the Second Life Blogging world?
I don’t read a ton, but I like fun, pretty pics, and I like blogs with personality. I want to know about you and what you love not just stark editorial review.
Do you Blog content that you yourself would wear/use always, or do you blog content that is expected of you to blog due to commitments to stores/events?
I am not currently part of any events, so I’m free of that. I used to blog for most of the major events back in the day, and I loved it. There are some amazing events out there. But being free to blog what I want how I want is really where I am now.
Do you feel that imposed time limits, and a set amount of content featured changes the way you blog content, and does it feel less authentically you?
Oh god yes. Requiring three items per post, three posts etc – there I am trying to figure out how to get a can of spam, a chair and high heels to be in a post about my avatar and her life. When in reality, I’d probably have a lot more items if I was just organically making up a little story for her – but the pressure is counter to letting Gidge live her SLife. Gidge needs to share her real SLife – if it can be called that.
Do you use Social Media, and/or other platforms outside of your Blog/Website to promote the content you have shared?
Just plurk – plurk.com/gidge
Do you pay for any aspect of your blogging other than the clothing or items in your images, such as Website Hosting, Photoshop etc?
I pay for premium Flickr. Our friend currently hosts our blog for free – we should probably pay her.
Do you think that Stores/Content Creators should have a Website/Blog for their Brand?
I’m not sure, maybe? I can see the value in it, if it had all their items shown maybe? People used to have them. I had one for my pose store. I can’t confirm if it matters really.
Do you have any suggestions for Content Creators/Stores to consider, when it comes to their Bloggers, and Bloggers that they may want to have Blog for them?
I think you need to choose bloggers who are going to showcase your brand the way you want it represented. This might sound like ‘Duh Gidge we know” but really, do you want to be silly or serious? I’ll give you silly, but never editorial unless I’m uninspired. There are people who do amazing editorial work – and that might be the showcase for your work. I’m a prude, no cum slobbering lollipops for me. Is that something you want included in your brand representation on blogs? I mean – if so, yah grab that person! If not – keep looking.
Do you have any advice that you can give other Bloggers that may be new to the experience, or even advice/wisdom that you want to share with the Blogging community as a whole, new or old?
Have fun. Relax. Be kind to one another. Cheer one another on. There is room for all of us.
Do you have suggestions for which Blogging Platform to use, and why you chose it over others?
WordPress. Always wordpress.
What do you enjoy and are most passionate about when it comes to Blogging?
I would like to challenge my blog partners Cajsa and Rose to participate, Cajsa has been on hiatus but maybe she’ll come around and the AMAZING Sydd Sinister
Gidge has GOT BLOG! In:
Mole: Tutti Belli – ‘Lisa’ Moles 01 (Lelutka Evolution X)
Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013
Maitreya LaraX Physics
Dress: (RED):::FurtaCor:::Xyca Dress::maitreya
Headband: * Sparkle Skye Emily Pearl Headband Dbl
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1
Necklace: Cae :: Love Heart :: Necklace
Rings: e.marie // Cecilie Rings – Golds { Maitreya F }
Hair: Exile:: Claudia
Shoes: friday – Mary Janes (Ink) – Maitreya
Treats: Hangry – Ice Cream Sandwich Prep Board {hold}
Hangry – Waffle Ice Cream Sandwich {hold}
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – BOM – BABY freckled cotton candy BROWLESS
Kitchen: Dutchie
Kitty Cat: Snake Plisskin – from Kittycats
Love it, and love you and Cajsa both ♥ thank you for sharing