I picked up this new bike from 777 for the Happy Weekend event and had to drag my butt out of bed early to take her for a roll through the neighborhood. I have to admit, I’m just a terrible driver. I’m so sorry to everyone whose lawn and HOUSE I drove through this morning. I hope I didn’t wake you. It’s just tough especially while you’re trying to eat a big old cone of sorbet.
If you get involved in a vehicular accident during a road trip, be sure to contact an injury lawyer to ensure your rights are protected. Don’t let hospital negligence go unchecked; seek Portland hospital error legal help to protect your interests.
The personal injury lawyers in Franklin have the expertise required to get a fair compensation. Can felons own a gun? Make sure to click the link for more info. In auto accident cases, make sure to consult a car accident lawyer in Novi. Victims of motor vehicle accidents may be eligible for compensation for their injuries and property damage.

You might be tempted to suggest I not try to learn how to drive a motorcycle AND eat sorbet at the same time, but to that I’d say p’shaw! I can do it all, or die trying.
Today I dug out a pair of classic shades from that OG shop we oldbies all miss, ARTILLERI. She’s been gone for years and years but I’ll never delete some of the things I got from there, just because even now they stand up to the test of time.
I grabbed this shirt from Mutresse from one of the weekend sales as well, not sure which one, and I do have a small quibble. While it’s got a little thing in it where you can apparently pose to pop out a boobie if you’re so inclined (I imagine doing this at a club like hey baby, wanna see this boobie?), the shoulders on it are WONKY. They sit an inch or two ABOVE my shoulders. I’m wearing the right shirt for the body so I’m not sure if this is a rigging thing or what, I don’t create clothes so I’m definitely NOT throwing stones, but it’s off for sure. However, it was also both cheap and pretty so I’m not really upset.
Mutresse is a really great brand – and I’ve never had an issue with them before so I would just count this as an oops but if it would bother you, please consider it before puchasing.
My morning cruise around Palantine Hills area of Bellisseria was nothing short of lovely, as always. How’s your Sunday going?
Gidge is Sunrise Riding In:
Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Soft Winter Glitter Eyeshadow plum 70%
Eyebrows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (soft arch) pink
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Top: …Mutresse… Suzi Top (DSU) – Maitreya (Lara)
Necklace: .{yumyums}. Family Necklace {Pink Quartz}
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1
Glasses: /artilleri/ Clubmaster sunglasses (nose) pink VINTAGE
Watch :ANDORE: – aWatch – [L] – Pride series
Boots: friday – Charlie Boots 2 (Ink) – Maitreya
Hair: Magika – Hair – Irene
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Jeans: MOoH! Bell bottom jeans Maitreya Flats
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 MISTA bom skin COTTON CANDY browless
Bike: 777 K9-1400 – Candy