What drew you to designing hair? When did you start? What are some of the changes that were most significant for you?
I started making hair flow products three months ago. We have been making hair since 2008. The most important thing for me is to make hair that looks real. Land Impact is aimed at light and yet delicate design
How did you choose your store name? Does it have a special meaning for you? If your stores is named after yourself, how did you go about choosing your avatar name?
CHEVEUX in French is hair. I wanted to make global hair loved by people all over the world.
What sets your hair styles apart from other hair designers, in your opinion? What is your style or aesthetic?
My store’s concept is CUTE. It’s pretty hair. Men also have a lot of masculine hair so we are good at unique, delicate and sweet design.
Where do you get inspiration for your designs? What is your process like?
t is just an inspiration. So there is a great difference in willingness to produce. The difference between good works and non-favorite works is intense. But sometimes the works that I do not necessarily like are also popular with customers. Design is difficult.
What is the most challenging part of being a creator in Second Life? What is most rewarding?
The technology of Second Life progresses steadily. We have to develop new work as technology improves.
How has your Second Life changed your first life?
I began to devote real time for Second Life. I think it is not necessarily good for real life
What’s the craziest, silliest thing you did in SL?
I have signed up with a partner before. I like to work alone
What does Hair Fair mean to you?
An important event not only for me but also for one year’s growth of other creators