You simply must have the Gingerfish “Birdy” pose set to tell this Administration exactly what you think of them.
Moral hazard is increasingly commonplace. Moral hazard happens when people make decisions that involve risk while they are protected from the risk. Gambling with other people’s money is a moral hazard. So is gambling with other people’s lives. Susan Sarandon’s glib disregard for the lives of immigrants, the poor, people who might lose health insurance and people of color when she encouraged risking a Trump presidency to “heighten the contradictions” is an example of moral hazard. She’s a white woman who won’t be deported or be killed by the police because she forgot to use her turn signal. She’s wealthy and can buy the latest AR-15 rifles and does not risk homelessness or loss of health insurance. It was easy for her to contemplate disaster because other people lose, not her.
The recent bill repealing the ACA that Congressional Republicans passed without one vote to spare is an example of moral hazard. They exempted their health insurance coverage from the provisions that strip protections from the American people. There is no clearer example of moral hazard than that. Their bill brings back lifetime limits and pre-existing condition exclusions by allowing states to opt out of national standards. Of course, states with poor quality state government will immediately rush to opt out. People living in states with good government are not safe, though, because their repeal encourages a race to the bottom by allowing insurance to be sold across state lines so states who are in the pockets of the insurance companies like Georgia and Alabama can allow worthless insurance to be sold to employers in states who attempt to protect their people from predatory corrupt insurance companies like Golden Rule.

The Exile Drive ponytail is full of life, unlike the American people if Trump destroys our health care system.
I am hoping some of you might be inspired to tell the Trump Admin what you think using your avatars and post your pictures to Avatars Against Trump.
I am angry that people elected to serve the American people are so reckless with our lives, who serve only the wealthy and glibly condemn people to poor health and death.
This is not some academic exercise for me. It’s life or death. I have diabetes, a pre-existing condition. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, part of the Trump Administration, has said that people with diabetes don’t deserve health insurance. The projected high risk pool insurance cost for me is $27,500. Well, that won’t happen. I will die. It is that simple.

Mutresse Iggy Sandals allow you to choose the color of every element–more choice than you will have if they pass TrumpCare.
Women are directly harmed by TrumpCare. Women will have to pay more for their insurance than men do because, according to the brilliant men in Congress, there’s no reason men should have to pay for child-bearing expenses. In addition, the physical and psychological trauma of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence are considered pre-existing conditions that insurance does not have to cover while erectile dysfunction is not. They will take away coverage for contraception while continuing coverage for Viagra and other drugs to treat impotence. You see what I mean about moral hazard?
TrumpCare is a big Fuck You to the American people. They don’t care, most of them are in gerrymandered districts that insulate them from democracy and protected by propaganda on AM Radio and FOX, the party propaganda machine which tells people they won’t lose their coverage and that pre-existing conditions will be covered. Sure, if the states don’t act on the blinking-neon loophole that passes the buck to the states. They think Americans are dumb. Americans are not dumb, but they are lied to and they believe the lies.
Congress goes on recess again on May 29th. If they repeat their April recess. Congressional Republicans will avoid meeting with constituents at town halls. They may hold fake town halls with donors only. Indivisible has many ideas on how to resist the Trump agenda. You can also call their offices directly. Facebook will direct you to all your elected officials if you click on t he Town Hall button. At USA.gov, you can get contact info for Congress and government agencies. You can even call the ignorant head of the OMB and tell him to pound sand.
Clothing: (NO) Icing Dress – White @ Collabor88
-Pixicat- Night.Jacket (Maitreya)
Shoes: …Mutresse… Iggy Sandals for Maitreya (High feet) @ Collabor88
Jewelry: (Yummy) Rimless Shades – All Colors @ Collabor88
(Yummy) Tassle Earrings – All Colors (L) @ Collabor88
(Yummy) Tassle Earrings – All Colors (R) @ Collabor88
Skin: Glam Affair – Klara ( LeLutka Applier ) America @ Collabor88
Hair: Exile:: Drive @ Collabor88
Poses: Gingerfish & Di’s Opera
Appliers: (NO) Art Nails – For Maitreya @ Collabor88
Glam Affair – Klara ( LeLutka Applier ) America
Mesh Attachments:
.LeLutka.Eyes.Chloe 2.7
.LeLutka.Head.Chloe 2.7
Maitreya Mesh Body – Bento Hand L V4.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Bento Hand R V4.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Feet V4.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
HUDS: .LeLutka.HUD.Chloe 2.7
AnyPose Expression HUD v1.0 – Wear Me
Maitreya Mesh Body – HUD V4.1
Slink Ankle Lock