Furnishings: -tres blah- Cozy Winter – Space Heater (Rose) by Julliette Westerburg.-tres blah- Cozy Winter – Big Pillow by Julliette Westerburg. -tres blah- Cozy Winter – Coat Rack by Julliette Westerburg. dust bunny . round end table by Noel Melody (lxlnoel). :Cheeky Pea: Winter Warmer Chaise (PG) Princess by Isla Gealach. House:dust bunny . acorn treehouse . RARE by Noel Melody (lxlnoel). Prim: Gnome – Godmother -Mustresse Rare, Tree – Tree Blah, Cozy Winter Sapling, tres blah – Cozy Winter – Snowman Trinket box
One of the things it’s easy to forget as the frenzy dies down, is that the ARCADE is open all month. Those must have items you wanted, well they are still there. Didn’t want to pay 10X the price for a rare at some yardsale? Well, you might just get lucky with a full pulls at the mothership and after all there are still a few very good days left for Arcade shopping.

Furnishings: -tres blah- Cozy Winter – Space Heater (Rose) by Julliette Westerburg.-tres blah- Cozy Winter – Big Pillow by Julliette Westerburg. -tres blah- Cozy Winter – Coat Rack by Julliette Westerburg. dust bunny . round end table by Noel Melody (lxlnoel). :Cheeky Pea: Winter Warmer Chaise (PG) Princess by Isla Gealach. House:dust bunny . acorn treehouse . RARE by Noel Melody (lxlnoel). Prim: Gnome – Godmother -Mustresse Rare, Tree – Tree Blah, Cozy Winter Sapling, tres blah – Cozy Winter – Snowman Trinket box
I keep thinking that there is some reason I’m suppose to go back and make a pass through. I can’t figure out for the life of me what I’m missing – what didn’t I complete? I know I’m going to regret it if I don’t sort it out. I’m going to have to go back through the shopping guide ONE MORE TIME I think. Oh – it was the Fashionably Dead studio stuff. Yeah, I do need all of that. I haven’t set up a proper office yet – I probably do need it don’t you think?
I grabbed the Analog Dog hair out of the Kittycats Advent Calendar, as well as my sweater and earrings today. Cute stuff and hey yay for free.
In typical fashion, I went to buy food at Kittycats for my cats, and I ended up with a new cat.
Seriously, I have a damn problem.
But he’s seriously cute.
Gidge is Wearing:
Sweater.: Somnia :. Flurry {Fitmesh M} Kittycats Advent Calendar
Earrings: .:EMO-tions:. MOMENTS EARRING l
.:EMO-tions:. MOMENTS EARRING r Kittycats Advent Calendar
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Skin: League – LUNA
Hair: Analog Dog – bang 2 – dark blondes
Analog Dog – sardine – DARK BLONDES
Wedding Ring: EarthStones Destiny Bridal Set – Gold
Jeans: Emery Hugo Skinny Jeans Olive_XXSmall COLLABOR88
Boots: Ingenue :: Amelia Boots (Physique) :: Chestnut Collabor88
Eyes: Mayfly – Luminous – Mesh Eye (London Fog, w4) L
Mayfly – Luminous – Mesh Eye (London Fog, w4) R
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2 – L – Elegant1
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – R – Casual
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Furniture and Decor Details above – items from Collabor88, The Arcade and Kustom9