
it can restrain the heartless
Sanura Snowpaw made a heartfelt plea for help yesterday, one that was difficult for her to do because most of the time, she is the one answering the pleas of others. It is always hard for the givers to ask for help. But she is not asking for herself, not really, she is asking for her dog Kassie who needs an expensive surgery.

Of course, she is doing her part, too, putting everything in her store Somnia on sale at half price in hopes that folks who like her clothes will come and stock up, taking home twice as much and injecting some much-needed lindens to help take care of her dog. Since she always sells her items with a texture change hud with 8 colors, that is 90 lindens for 8 colors of this sweater and 90 lindens for 8 colors of this skirt. Seriously, even if you do not care about the dog, you should spend, spend, spend just to stock up at half off on wardrobe basics. Since she makes appliers, you can also get all your layering basics too.

it can restrain the heartless
If you do not know Sanura’s name from her store Somnia, you may have her name thanks to her organizing the Pacific Crisis fundraiser after the earthquake in Japan, Project Fur Japan to support animal rescue after the quake and Wear Gray, the fundraiser for brain cancer research. Or you might know her name and brand for being among the first to volunteer for Love Donna Flora, a Leaf on the Wind, <3Ulaa, Fashion For Life and many other charity events. it can restrain the heartless
Of course, you’re free to ignore her plea and deny yourself a wardrobe full of coordinating separates at half off. You can wait until the crisis is over and pay full price! I hope you don’t. I hope you go buy something, and some more things, even many things. I hope you can spare something for the GoFundMe or drop a few extra lindens her way. But if you can’t, that is okay. Maybe all you can do is share the link and tell some friends about the sale. That will help, too.
it can restrain the heartless
And of course, everyone runs into compassion fatigue, though that is scheduled for December 1st this year, the so-called Giving Tuesday. And if you don’t like personal fundraisers, even ones involving people offering a store sale, that’s your right. But you know what, the easy and simple way to do that is to just ignore it. There’s no need for anyone to go out of their way to make their personal disapproval widely known. Folks that do, get this look you see in this picture above, the “Good grief, were you born in a barn?” look also known as Resting Bitch Face.
it can restrain the heartless

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “It may be true that law cannot change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless” You know what else can restrain the heartless, good manners and common decency.

Store info at Blogging Second Life
Clothing: .: Somnia :. Cheerio Skirts {S}
.: Somnia :. Squidgy Jumpers {Fitted}
Shoes: Ingenue :: Astrid Heels (Slink) :: Teal @ Collabor88
Jewelry: (Kunglers Extra) Carolina – Necklace & Earrings- Obsidian
Skin: Glam Affair Rachel Asia for Shiny Shabby
Hair: Exile::Bewitched @ Collabor88
Poses: Di’s Opera
Appliers:Glam Affair Rachel Asia for Shiny Shabby
Somnia dual drippy darks
Eyes: pc eyes by LL – shallow water – medium
Mesh Attachments: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA v1.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.4
Slink Feet & Hands
HUDS: AnyPose Expression HUD v1.0 – Wear Me
Slink Ankle Lock
Location: Saint Pete City

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