Show Me The Hair That Stole Your Heart

Once upon a time there was a girl who was a blogger who wasn’t very experienced. She wasn’t jaded, she didn’t eyeroll at things that had been done 100 times. She didn’t log in and log out after getting her photos, she spent time and enjoyed her SL.  Her SL wasn’t silent, her SL was full of friends, not just acquaintances she didn’t talk to much.

This is about that girl.

That girl fell in LOVE with a hair that Gogo blogged and she HAD to have it.  I would link to Gogo’s post but knowing that dork, she probably purges old pics because she thinks they look dated. Regardless, it was there once. What was the hair? It was this.

This was literally one of my Happiest Hair Fair Memories – seeing this hair, and having the Lindens to go buy it.

I would love to see in comments or on plurk  the hair that for you, has a happy HAIR FAIR memory. Hair Fair isn’t just an event – it’s a celebration.


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