For some reason, Sasy Scarborough who has survived on 11 hours of sleep over the past three days while making sure that Hair Fair is as perfect as it can be, does not show the ill effects of lack of sleep. I have to confess that once again, Hair Fair is designed to make this massive event as enjoyable as possible.
The shopping path is flawless. Just keep the stores to your left and follow the path and you will not miss a single store. If you would rather shop from home, join the demo group and try your hair on at home or invite friends over for a demo party. Past this demo group link into local chat and click on it to join the group: secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about
Here’s the map. There are also 2 additional sims for the first couple of days because the most frustrating thing about Hair Fair is its own success and the difficulty of getting in. People can TP to them and use them as a way to get into the adjoining sims, or camera shop from them. Here are TP links to those bordering gateways: Streaks A, Streaks B, Streaks C, Foils A, Foils B, Foils C
This is a directory of all locations of the Hair Fair 2015 Event. If you follow the path, you will visit every store on every sim…keep the stores to your left side, and keep walking.
All items sold at Hair Fair 2015 donate a portion of their sales to Wigs for Kids.