solidarity, n.
- The fact or quality, on the part of communities, etc., of being perfectly united or at one in some respect, esp. in interests, sympathies, or aspirations; spec. with reference to the aspirations or actions of trade-union members. Also attrib. and Comb.The French origin of the word is freq. referred to during the period of its introduction into English use. Latterly also the English rendering of PolishSolidarność, the name of an independent trade-union movement in Poland, registered in September 1980 and officially banned in October 1982.
- Community or perfect coincidence of (or between) interests.
- Civil Law. A form of obligation involving joint and several responsibilities or rights.
That entry of “solidarity” in the Oxford English Dictionary is such a dry, dispassionate definition for a word so full of passion, community and meaning. When I hear the word solidarity, I often think of the Jewish concept of tikkun olam – repairing the world – the idea that we have a shared responsibility to each other and the world, a positive obligation to do what we can to make life and the world a better place. People demonstrate solidarity in many ways. For example, people try to live a week on the food stamp budget given to America’s poor to find understanding of how difficult that is. People will march in support of the rights of people of other identities. Men will speak up for women’s rights. Whites will march for racial justice. Finding ways to identify and collaborate to support another is essential to solidarity. Another way people show solidarity to others is supporting the self-esteem and confidence of people living with cancer by shaving their own heads to say “you are not alone.”
Hair Fair raises money for Wigs For Kids. Now, kids are not the only ones who lose their locks to cancer treatments and alopecia and other reasons. However, we all know that children are in the process of individuating and building their own identity as distinct and unique beings – and people can be cruel to those who are different. Wigs can help children without hair gain confidence and acceptance. Since stress, depression and despair retard healing, improving their quality of life not only makes them feel better psychologically, but also physically. It is a wonderful thing that each year, the creators of Second Life come together to support Wigs For Kids, raising thousands of dollars in solidarity with these children.
Today is Bandana Day. The day we show solidarity by removing our hair, shaving our heads (see my buzz cut) and donning bandanas made by creators and amateurs (like me) with 100% of the proceeds going to Wigs For Kids. This bandana is one of the four I made – and making these bandanas each year reminds me again why I am not a creator.
Poses: aDorkable
Skin: !Imabee: Florentien – Scarlet
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Eon eyes light Green (med)
Lashes: Lelutka
Mesh Attachments:
Slink Hands & Feet
Mani/Pedi: FLAIR
Hair: .::MADesigns
HAIR::. Bandana: Hair Fair 2014 vintage – Cajsa Lilliehook
Clothing: -Thalia Heckroth- Akina dress Nude
Shoes: Slink Siren Leather Stilettos Nude
Jewelry: Donna Flora Gala Set