I’m officially moved in. I picked up Sophie from Auntie Inventory. She’s been visiting there for a while, she really loves it – Auntie Inventory HAS EVERYTHING. I decided that after a day full of being a fashion blogger and walking around looking pretty, there was nothing for it but to sit on the porch, gaze at the sea and have some wine.
That solves all life’s stresses, I’m pretty sure.
It seems like a big place to have all to myself, and making dinner just for me would be lonely, but Cajsa has moved in to be my neighbor! I’m SO excited that after all these years we’ll be within cup of sugar borrowing distance!
I made enough pumpkin soup that Cajsa could stop by and have some after work. I’m such a better cook in SL than I am in RL, it’s amazing. I want cooking to be click click click in all lives.
For at least the first few days, I’m trying to keep a neat house. So I did my dishes immediately after dinner.
This is how you know my SL is complete fantasy – cuz I am firmly against folding laundry in RL. But I love this washing machine set from LISP – PINK!
Dishes done, laundry folded. Now, what to do with the rest of my evening? Well, let’s see…
Time to have Auntie Inventory watch Sophie while she sleeps and head over to Cajsa’s set for a while!
The child’s bed is from Trompe Loeil and the Zooby furniture is so high prim I decided this works fine. Plus, it’s gorgeous.
I wanted to give a shout out to my plants I just got at Lok’s Low Prim as a subscriber gift. I just joined her subscriber the other day when I was picking up so AMAZING low land impact mesh plants, and she sent these ADORABLE little plants out as a gift.
And now, this avatar needs a nap!
Gidge Is Wearing:
Lipstick: [:Tuli:] Helena / pearl :: Lips :: Sheer Toffee
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Dress: .: Somnia :. Bohemian Diamond {Yellow} {S}
Shoes: Slink Fabric Platforms Black
Feet: Slink Mesh Feet (Av Enhance) Medium S
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Casual S Left
Slink Mesh Hands (av) Elegant S Right
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Anessa
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: [:Tuli:] Helena / pearl (light) :: 04 dimples
Eyes: Poetic Colors -classic – coral reef (m) bright