A Sea of Sirens Tears

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When I first heard and then read about the Donna Flora event, I cried, I really did. I don’t do it often, but it really hit me. I cried a little again, when I realized I missed the cutoff date for applications for designers.

So I shopped instead.

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I have never had the opportunity to talk with Squinternet. I’d sometimes see her setting up vendors in the shop, or out and about at events. I do however know her store line personally, as I have acquired many pieces from it over the years.

Some of you may know me, or of me, some of you may not, but one thing that can be universally seen in many of my posts is my love of colour. I also love period and retro styles. Donna Flora was one of those places I could go, get a Purple/Orange/Red patterned dress, grab gold, like real looking gold jewelry(so hard to find) and come out not looking like a clashy mess.

When I was looking in my inventory, trying to figure out what I’d post for my tribute, I was surprised at the size of the folder. Have I really bought that much over the years?

I already had an idea of what I would wear, this starfish jewelry set was it. My sister and her apprentice bought me this for mother’s day last year. That is the other wonderful thing about Donna Flora, most of it is transferable.

Who would wear starfish jewelry? why a mermaid of course, but not any mermaid, a Siren Queen. So here she is, in all her glory, swaying ships too close with her songs of sadness and woe. I thought it fitting.

I hope for the sake of the SL community that this event does end up helping out, and giving what Squinternet needs in form of care.

In the meantime, I add my tears to the sea of many, from all of us thinking of you and your family.


Love Donna Flora

An Event to help raise funds for critical care for one of SL’s most creative fashion designers. The event runs until the 11th, which means it is now over. There are other ways to help out though.

You can find more information out at the official blog HERE. There is a Paypal donation button for Squinternet at the top right of the site. Alternately you can go to her store inworld and purchase something, as that money goes directly to her as well.


I’m also wearing some items from the Fantasy Gacha Carnival going on right now until August 21st. You have already seen Achariya in some of the items in the previous post. The gacha items really fit with what I had in my head for this post, so I am glad I could include them all for you guys to enjoy. I will be posting some more of the gacha items soon.

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Closeup of Jewelry Set

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Closeup of Crown

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I just liked this shot.


Hair – The Stringer Mausoeum – Ruina V1 in S.E. Fun Straw
Skin – Plastik – Aquamer in Tangaberry
Eyes – Insufferable Dastard – Fierce Kitty in Lemon – Special Outlet Price
Lashes – Ploom – Lashes 6
Makeup(Lips) – Mock Cosmetics – Lip Plummage in Millie’s Tangerine – Group Gift
Jewelry – Donna Flora – Starfish Jewelry Set
Crown – De La Soul – Royal Crown of Thorns – UltraRARE Gacha Item
Mertail – deviousMind –  Erielle Mermaid Tail in Fire Fish – Gacha Item
Merstars – deviousMind – Erielle Starfish Pasties in Fire Fish – Gacha Item

Sadly, I lost the location, or I would share. The poses were all in the rock I was sitting on. I know there was a mermaid store below the waters, as to which I couldn’t tell you, I didn’t go in, I have over 100 tails, don’t need another!

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2 thoughts on “A Sea of Sirens Tears

  1. Helena Stringer

    It is a very beautiful set. I myself enjoy amber in rl, and that is what the gem texture reminds me of. It’s simply called Starfish, she does that often. Doesn’t get crazy with her names.

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