Cajsa’s Fast Five: March 4th

Fast Five March 4th is not just a date, it’s an imperative. So please do march forth and check out these excellent posts that I discovered today.


  1. The Heroic Imagination Project. GreenLantern Excelsior challenges people to write about their heroes in Second Life, to share stories of people helping people in SL and share. The writer explains the bystander effect which can allow people to stand by and do nothing, but can also urge and encourage people to act. Excelsior seems to hope sharing examples will elicit more heroic and helping behavior. 
  2. Fantasy Faire 2013 Kickoff Announcement: Inara Pey shares the initial announcement and information for stores and creators who wish to be be involved in this huge event and RFL fundraiser.
  3. 514 Words. Whiskey Monday has a thought-provoking photo that leaves the viewer filled with questions – as art should.
  4. 435 – Kyrie Source always shoots such powerful photos and this is one of her most striking. Her styling often juxtaposes elements that should clash, but don’t. It’s simply wonderful to see what she can do.
  5. Deathwish – This is a fabulous post from Petra Messioptra who never fails to shoot amazing photos.
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