I’m wearing items from last year’s Mardi Gras because this year sprang upon us early, and few people seem to be creating for it. I’m crossing my fingers that Siyu at Illusions will still have a ball (send me a group invite, madam!), and because of that I dressed up! What’s your tradition for Mardi Gras? I woke up and made my family pancakes with Nutella, and then I went to Starbucks and got their MOST calorific coffee drink, with extra whip. Take that, Lent!
Skin: *FCD* Fantasy skin – forest
Dress: Katat0nik from last year’s Mardi Gras event, including gloves
Hair: Lamb
Crown: the bone set from Schadenfreude last year
Mask: Illusions free mask from last year’s Mardi Gras
Beads: I totally earned those
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