“How can you see into my eyes like open doors..
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home”
I can certainly understand this. Wanting someone or something to bring you back to life…..
We get old, we settle, we buy mini vans and watch reality TV. I think most ppl have a vision when they are younger about how awesome their life will be. They will travel, have a kick ass job and meet an awesome partner to have wonderful adventures with. Some of the lucky ones will see the vision become reality but most of us will not. We get a mediocre job that “pays the bills” and we have 2.5 kids that “we wouldn’t trade for the world”. We lose touch with friends and family, we feel reclusive and alone. Inside we just want someone or something to “bring us to life”.
We reach our mid 30s or 40s and go “WTF, where the hell did my life go?” Some people call this a “midlife crisis” and some people go buy a 1984 trans am. Many others look for love, they look for that special person (if you don’t already have them) to complete them, to open their eyes, to be the yin to their yang, to have an awesome passion filled love fest to fill their void. What i’ve come to discover is that no one will do this for you. No one completes you except you. If you want to become something again, you just have to do it. Take a giant leap, rediscover old hobbies and interest. Fill your own void, no one is going to fill it for you…trust me on that one my friends. Once you complete yourself, once you wake yourself up..everything else will fall into place.
Hybie Is Wearing:
Skin: Essences – Moana Pale
Hair: D!va – Sayaka2 – type a onyx
Eyeliner: ni.ju makeup- black eyeliner B03
Lashes: Kosh – No Alpha Lashes V5
Top: Indrya Originals – Naala – Rouge
Eyes: Ibanez Eyes – Tranquil – Platinum
Peircing: HoD – Dimpled Piercing – Slide (f)
Pose: (pic 1) Savoir Faire – Genuflect 05