Hey Mister Can I Have A Ride On The Bumper Cars?
posted by Gidge Uriza
When I was in Middle and High School, it was compulsory for girls whose fathers belonged to the Masonic organizations to have to work at the county fair for two weeks in the summer, serving the food the Shriners cooked up in the hot summer heat. We’d wait on tables in our white t-shirts,jeans and pony-tails, grinning with pearly white teeth and talking to boys about going to see the various animals they were going to show,sneak kisses behind the soda machines or talk about who won the pie cook off with the old ladies who had come in for a cold drink.
And when we got our breaks……we’d go out and flirt with carnies for free rides. To show that the carnies either weren’t that bright or weren’t actually trying to shag us, they’d let us have free rides in return for “coming back to see them later”.
Obviously you had to plan this sort of shenanigans out carefully as you couldn’t risk running into THAT carny again. It was also best saved for the END of the fair’s run rather than the beginning.

Ok But You'll Tap My Head Right?
I had to do a pervy carny post as soon as I saw the Carnie Island dresses from Show Me On The Doll, the only thing I ever think of when I hear CARNIE/CARNY is our bad behavior in my teen years.
I had one girlfriend who could actually get food out of them too,but we always suspected that she actually DID go back to visit the tattooed toothless freaks.
Ok so HUGE thanks to my friend Dancien Graves, because when I said I needed a Carny Cowboy for a shoot, he said “Ok let me finish DJing, I can do that.” Seriously, no “Why?” Just “Ok”.
Dan is full of win some days.
And for the, ahem, on my knees pose – I said “Hey ummm, let me make sure this is a pose and not an anim – bcse, I like you but I don’t actually wanna suck your cock.” And he was all totally “Yeah okay.” Maybe girls accidentally do that to him all the time? And I was in tears laughing on my end, thinking how it was going to look if Silo came in – “No honey really, I’m only blowing Dan for a photoshoot – NOTHING IS GOING ON I PROMISE!”

Skin and Dress from SHOW ME ON THE DOLL
And that is a probably enough oral talk for the feeds for one day.
Style Notes:
- Skin – Show Me On The Doll Painty Face
- Dress – Show Me On The Doll – Carnie Island
- Hair – Truth – Kami- Apple
- Tattoo – Demented Flair – Flower 4
- Eyes – Aimesi -Eyes 2- Purple
- Earrings – Schadenfreude
- poses – !BANG and Glitterati
Shot on location at Cajsa’s Bumper Cars
Your mascara spilled.