Would you like to be featured as a guest stylist on our blog? We have decided to occasionally highlight the style and looks of our readers. If you are interested, put together your look and send Gidge or me a notecard. Title the Notecard Guest Stylist – YOUR NAME and include the following information:
****STYLE NOTES******
- Shape:
- Skin:
- Eyes:
- Lashes:
- Nails:
- Hair:
- Jacket:
- Top:
- Skirt:
- Pants:
- Dress:
- Jewelry:
- Other Accessories:
If something is custom made, such as your shape, you should leave it off. If something is no longer available, please note that in parentheses after the item. Also note what times you are usually logged in. Save the notecard and drop it on either Gidge Uriza or Cajsa Lilliehook. We can’t promise to get to it right away, but we hope that in time we can share the looks of lots of our readers with you all.