posted by Gidge Uriza
I used to work with this girl named Ysenia who was Cuban. Except, I lived in Tampa – and in Tampa you say SPANISH when you mean Cuban.
So let’s start over. I used to work with this girl named Ysenia who was SPANISH. She wasn’t very girly, she had long straight hair that she pulled back, and she wore her brothers old clothes and really, she made butch girls look girly. I liked her a lot and ate lunch with her frequently, and during lunch she’d taunt me about being such a girly girl and the fact that at that time, I changed my nail color more than some people changed their mind.
And then, THEN Ysenia met somone. A BOY someone.
And we had to do a complete girl makeover on her.
If we had been on the grid, I would have run her POST HASTE over to Donna Flora which is, in my opinion, one of the girliest and classiest stores on the grid. I adore it and literally spend forever in that store EVERY single time I am in there trying to decide WHAT it is that I want to wear.
I wish that store was my closet.
It doesn’t mean I’m forsaking other stores for Donna Flora, because I have fashion ADD but truly, I have never seen anything in that store that I didn’t covet, and I’m a snotty girl so that is saying a lot. Squinternet is truly inspired with her designs and even when I don’t shop that week – I look forward to her notices to see what is new each week.

Symphony Skins SSV3 - Alto Tone - Pink Diamonds Makeup
Style Notes:
***Bold R Indicates a Review or Promotional Copy
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape
- Hair – KMH – Hair 004 – Blonde
- Skin – Symphony Skins – SSV3 – Alto Tone – Pink Diamonds R
- Dress – Donna Flora – Ysenia R
- Shoes – Maitreya – Slinky Stilettos – Grape
- Eyes – Poetic Color – Pink Ocean