posted by Gidge Uriza
First and foremost, when dressing for the Indy 500, you gotta consider your feet. It’s gonna be a hell of a walk to your car, even if you have a sweet party house nearby that you call base camp, it’s still a mile or more in urban landscape. So sneaks are in order. The Urban Bomb Unit’s DRUNKS are only my second purchase from that shop but still, those two pair of shoes remain among my favorites. Scripted like mad with color change options on EVERY PART of the shoe, you can truly make an unimaginable range of sneaks out of this one pair of shoes. Plus they are size scripted, so no messy modding going on – truly appreciated.

Shirt - Mens from Artilleri - Pants - Strayer Freebie
I do think that I’ve gotten more mileage out of these freebie pants I picked up at Strayer once than any other freebie I ever grabbed, with the possible exception of the coconut ice freebies back in the day.
The shirt is from Artilleri – it’s a man’s bowling shirt. I had to mod the collar and the sleeves down so it didn’t look nuts but that was simple enough as I took my time and did it slowly. (My faithful readers know I am not allowed to mod prims as I will ruin them every time).

Why Yes, I'd Love a Beer to Celebrate the Indy 500
Check out the button detail on the shirt. Very sharp!
And of course what week would be complete without me picking up new hair at Diversity? No I don’t actually own it all. That’d be way too much sucking up. I don’t like it all. Nor should I, after all a good creator is out there making things for a VARIETY of tastes and they are not all going to be mine,now are they?
But I did like the windswept gorgeousness of this do, so it was a must have.
Now, I’m still recovering from surgery but thank you ALL for your well wishes and kind thoughts. I appreciate it very much. I plan to spend the day in my pajamas watching the race and wishing I could have 85 beers. Or even just one.
Style Notes
***Bold R Indicates a Review Item***
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape
- Skin – PXL Creations Grace – Natural Rose Lips- Cat Eyes R
- Hair – Diversity Hair – Alice in Iconic Blonde
- Eyes – Poetic Color – Lilac Blossoms
- Shirt – Artilleri – Classic Shirt – Checkers
- Pants – Strayer – Freebie from last year – unsure if still avail
- Shoes – Urban Bomb Unit – Drunks
- Nails – Love Soul – Dark Red