::EmJay:: IS BAACCCKK!!! hehehe me and Roo couldn’t be happier!!! EmJay closed their doors a few months ago back in July or August.. BUT! She has come back to us!! This is one of the 1st stores my sister Randi Lenroy got me shopping at and addicted to in SL.. I still own all of their clothes and I am super happy I get to blog them now! *dances* I had to grab my sister to not only help show the new items off… buuuuut to take the 1st picture for me.. shes kinda awesome with her photo skills and stuff.. but shhhh don’t tell her I said that!!
oki oki oki oki onto the goods shall weeeeeeeeeee?!!
New Pannnttttiiieeesss!! Yup you got it right.. new undies in so many different colors and styles as seen below.. We couldn’t help from jumping up and down on the bed while wearing them!! hehehe..
So so so SO many to choose from!! Check out some moooorrrree!! Continue reading