Well I wasn’t up to fighting the crowds for Black Friday craziness but I will tell you this, free pig from Schadenfreude at SaNaRae got me dressed.
In fact, I rolled around and picked up all of the gifts – there were some good ones! I did a wee bit of shopping too, but not toooo much, I’m a girl on a budget.
My other favorite gift are these adorable glasses – they have a snow ON or snow OFF option, and several texture choices. Very thoughtful, fun gift!

I’m still riding the BakesOnMesh train pretty hard. Today I’m wearing skin from TULI – that vintage skinner who doesn’t create any more. I kinda love being back in to my old skins – I’m so glad i never trashed most of them.
Have you tried BoM yet? It’s life changing.
Gidge is Freezing In:
Head: Slink Visage Redux Ashlynn Head V 1.0.0
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 1/si) dec VIP gift
Hair: [elikatira] Kara
Tank: Izzie’s – Layered Tank green (shirt)
Jeans: :::Sn@tch Easy Jeans (Blue):::
Lip Gloss: [Pink Fuel] Elsie Lipgloss <Biscuit> – Pink
[PXL] Beauty Mark POS10 Light DX
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink
Sweater: -Pixicat- Calm.Cardigan (Slink Hourglass)
Free Glasses Gift :: MS Design :: Frozen Glasses
Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Long)
Shoes: Pure Poison – Shaleene Flats – Yellow – SLINK
FREE PIG: Schadenfreude Reindeer Piglet
Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0
Eyes: Izzie’s – Whiskey Eyes (lights) purple