I’ve always enjoyed Meilo Minotaur and CapCat Ragu‘s art installations and projects. They’re true artists, check the beautiful and surreal Delicatessen sim if you don’t know what I mean.
Recently they have been working on a new project, the Meta_Body project and to explain what it is about, I’ll copy and paste the notecard I received ‘cause I want to share the coolness:
The virtual experience of the body is not exactly an experience of the flesh. These sensations, albeit having a physical sensorial aspect, continue to be experienced in our bodies behind the screen, not in our avatar body. The virtual body is a metaphorical body, all language, therefore open to experimentation and possibility.
In this new project, Meilo Minotaur and CapCat Ragu invite us, once again, to rethink our bodies through our avatars, making available all kinds of skins, shapes, body parts, clothes, etc. All these items are fully modifiable, shareable and copyable, thus challenging the audience to become creators and also share their derivative work with us, in the All My Independent Women exhibition. While the avatars are available in the Second Life Sim Delicatessen the pictures and machinimas of the derivative work will be displayed at VBKOE, Vienna, giving us a glimpse of the new creative flux, beyond the concepts of author and work of art, happening online.
If you want to participate in the RL project you must submit your derivative work in flickr group http://www.flickr.com/groups/meta_body/ or in koinup group http://www.koinup.com/group/meta-body until October 20th 2011.
See the picture?
That’s the beautiful location in the Delicatessen sim where you will find different kinds of “artistic” avatars which you can get for free and use, edit, work on them the way you like if you want to join the project or if you want to share your pictures or whatever you want to do with them.
Just remember to donate to the tip jar, please, we don’t want such awesomeness to end
I wore 3 different avatars, edited a bit the shapes and took a few snaps in the sim.
You can see them after the cut