Do you provide wedding services? Then you need to be a part of this one-of-a-kind event taking place on the Opium sim, June 1-30, 2011.
Present your talents and abilities in relation to SecondLife weddings to the brides and grooms of tomorrow.
There are 23 10×10 booths available with 100 prims for $400 L each. If you would like more than one booth, we will do our best to be reasonably accommodating.
Reserve your booth TODAY, by providing the following information on a notecard to Gala Caproni, inworld:
Avatar Name
Business Name
# of booths requested
Type of business
(rename your notecard *Wedding Expo Reservation – YOUR NAME*)
Fee will be due upon acceptance into the expo. You will be notified by May 13th of acceptance and will have from May 23-31 for set up.