I found the MOST adorable spot, a little village that has tons of vehicle rezzers for anyone to use, from bicycles to hot air balloons and lots in between, you can dork around in your vehicle of choice. As you can guess, I chose this classic Corvette. Just had to. It popped out in this gorgeous yellow and I couldn’t resist driving over this amazing bridge build to see what was on the other side!

I landed at a seaside seafood shack and I was starving – as always – so I popped in for some fresh octopus.

It was a little more wiggly than I’d normally care for but I’m so hungry – and they had free sodas so why not. I can make it work right?

They were also offering free umbrella drinks and you know how I feel about that. Bring it ON. Of course then I ended up staying far longer than I meant to, riding rides and taking a hot air balloon right. All in all, it was the sort of day that reminds me of how much fun resident built areas can be when they are done with love.
I’m definitely coming back here. Link the fashion details below.

Yes I am trying to steal this car. Wish me luck…
Gidge is Saturday Adventuring In:
Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 01 Eyebrows (soft arch) light blonde 75%
Solitaire: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Earrings: (Yummy) Serenity Earring
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1
Dress: Blackstone – Summer Dress – Maitreya
Rings: Candy Crunchers – Sweet rings – maitreya Bento
Hair: Exile:: Dot (C) 2
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Shoes: Pure Poison – Butterfly Sandals – Maitreya
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 LENNON bom skin COTTON CANDY browless
Shot on Location at: