Does this ever happen to you? You have this great idea and then you sit down to let it out at the keyboard and you just stare off into space wondering what to say?
I struggled so much this weekend to put words together to share my thoughts and the words just denied me. I couldn’t get them out correctly. I knew what I wanted to say but how to say it? Just evaded me as is the norm lately.
I finally was able to find my inspiration and solved my quandary but it took so long. It used to feel so natural but lately it’s been a challenge.
Does this happen to everyone?

Someday the words will flow, and I won’t drive my fingers into the flesh of my arm. Someday.
Gidge is Meeting Deadlines In:
Skin: [Glam Affair ] Ava Freckles (B)
[Glam Affair] Ava Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Sand B
Pants: Top: JB Editor Slacks – Khaki – Maitreya
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
Hair: Exile:: Yara (A)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Shoes: Pure Poison – Lora Flats – Maitreya
Desk and Chair: Nutmeg