On Friday night I had the distinct pleasure of taking my old friend Dancien around the grid on a tour of “the NEW SL”. Except, it’s not really NEW it’s just – “CHANGED AND UPGRADED FROM WHEN YOU LEFT SL”. I started him off with a quick run to Kittycats because even if he didn’t want their free kittycat – well I did. (He did).
If you haven’t heard, they have these kitties out, you get either a boy or a girl and they are free – one per resident. AND you don’t have to feed them. If you covet a sweet little friend for your Linden home or personal parcel, I recommend these lovelies.

Next we popped over to Dutchie so I could show him the awesome furniture including a dining set I covet that has really cool meal sequencing available. He covets the bar – so i’m going to look forward to popping over to his place and having drinks.
After that we went to 7 Emporium and picked up yard signs to offend our neighbors. HOA BE DAMNED!!
I’ve also been working on more house decorating and finally got progress on my office.

In her previous post Rose mentioned her new love of grabbing old and new things and putting them together. Honestly that’s become my jam. I love shopping and am not stopping, but there’s no reason why GREAT things from my inventory can’t come out for a spin now and then. I mean, Blueberry makes AMAZING jeans. Why wouldn’t I wear them just because they aren’t new?

i still like my Catwa head that was free. I have one quibble and that is that my ears go green on the regular. What is that about? It’s disconcerting but you still see me wearing it don’t you?
Gidge is showing Dancien Around In:
Hair: #BESOM HAIR~Jae size 1
Shirt: LACUNA Raglan Doll Tee – M – Lavender & Almond
Jeans: Blueberry – Ashberry Jeans – BlueberryBooty – Maitreya
Earrings: EarthStones Hoot Owl Earring – Winter
Shoes: Ingenue :: Dorrit Sandals (Maitreya) :: Fatpack
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.0
Backpack: Tee*fy The Unusual Bags – Dream Tv Pink
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – BOM – ASMITA pineapple
Location: Kittycats – free gift one per resident. NO food required.