I have absolutely no idea.
I mean, I was probably doing something when I logged out on Christmas eve. But two months have passed and I’m afraid I’m at a loss for what it was I was doing.
I seem to have dressed for an intimate encounter. I wonder if I had a date? Probably not. My husband would disapprove.
I’ve been gone so long I got kicked out of two groups. I wonder if I liked those groups? I don’t even know what they were.

I don’t know what 2019 holds for Gidge. But what I do know is, I missed this place and this fun.
My friend Putrid said I look like I’m ready for a spanking in this get up. MAYBE I AM GIRL STOP JUDGING ME.

Let’s see what 2019 is going to be. I am feeling pretty good.
Today I’m wearing:
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.3
Skin: No fricking Idea. Probably Pink Fuel.
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Holly [no scarf unrigged]
Bra: [Azuchi] Lola Bra Maitreya Purple
Panties: [Azuchi] Lola Panties Maitreya Purple
Robe: [Azuchi] Lola Robe Maitreya Black
Slippers: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Coal
Cig: [Since1975] Cigarette (Pineapple)
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit
Backdrop: FOXCITY
You were missed!