What’s The Difference ?

Lelutka now has three different heads out for your wearing pleasure and each one just enough different that it expresses your shape differently.

I wear a shape made by my friend Gogo who owns Juicy and so this is me as expressed in each of the different Lelutka heads. I think Chloe is still my favorite but who knows what the future holds?

I think this illustrates how amazing Bento is for us though, no more “we’re all the same” argument for sure.

I’m also wearing a gorgeous, subtle skin from Hart Larsson of PXL Creations which you can pick up at Skin Fair – AVA.

Gidge is Wearing:
Lelutka Heads
Skin: PXL Creations AVA for Skin Fair
Hair:EXILE – Don’t Look Back
Shape: Meghan by Juicy

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