I’m loving the new Firestorm but it seems like no matter what I do, my pictures are bigger than my little free editing tool wants to use. Hey I’m just going to roll with it. Not being able to crop isn’t a tragedy.
Today’s adventure involved going over to Shiny Shabby and pulling the Gacha for this dress/sweater combo from Dami. For 69L there wasn’t a bad result to be had. I wanted shoes to go with it but alas I couldn’t get into FAMESHED. But I got a pink dress so really, clearly the gacha gods were with me!
I could have been a sensible shopper and demo’d the dress but I don’t do SENSIBLE willingly thus I just bought a medium “just in case” and as suspected, it’s a bit small thus, PERFECT. Also being able to alpha out the body helps. I also picked up this cabinet from Fancy Decor. Their stuff is so pretty. Aptly named shop!
In my inventory rummaging I realized something AMAZING – Tuli released APPLIERS for LELUTKA heads. God I’m excited. I would rather different eyebrows – but this was a Halloween skin so, I’m going to see if she has more “Gidgey” appliers for Lelutka skin soon.
These brows are very serious.
Now, I am going to get ready for my week. There’s so much going on! I love fall and fall events.
Happy Shopping Girls.
Hey GOGOLITA – these are new releases. ALL new releases
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Tuli – HEX
Ring: (Yummy) True Fate Ring – Gold – Opal
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Rings: Izzie’s – Initials Love Ring L
Izzie’s – Initials Love Ring R
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – L – Elegant
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – R – Elegant
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Dress: [ dami ] knit n undershirts onepiece 2 #12 m
Eyes: [PXL] RAY Eyes – Grey (S)
Use IrfanView; I’ve used it for years. It’s free, can handle my largest shots, and works quite nicely!