With all my RL crazy going on I thought I saw something about LAQ having released appliers, and then promptly forgot it. LAQ, my mind said – WOW blast from the past! And then life happened and I forgot.
I got around to asking on plurk about it yesterday and they said YES and they are free. Of course I got there today and they were not free. I am undeterred by that however, as I have a stable of skins from LAQ that I felt certain stood the test of time. So I picked up a set of PHYSIQUE appliers and headed to the studio.
I was thinking “classic” because LAQ always created such classic, polished looks in my memory and the riding set from COCO at this month’s Collabor88 is classic defined – it was a perfect marriage.
Did LAQ Stand the Test of time? It sure did. These skins were a great investment I’m so glad I kept them.
Appliers for SLINK are $L299. I didn’t check out anything else this round. But I am gonna end up going back to look for more skins for my stable!
Gidge is Wearing:
LAshes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Beauty Mark: [PXL] Beauty Mark POS10 Dark SX
Jacket: *COCO*_EquestrianJacket(DarkBrown)+Blouse_S COLLABOR88
Boots and Pands: *COCO*_RidingBoots(Black)+Pants_S COLLABOR88
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Casual XS Left
Slink Mesh Hands (av) Casual XS Right
Manicure: FLAIR
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body V1.4
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Esther [LoveJugs 2]
SkinLAQ ~ Maria – 02 [Fair] Glo: w skin
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes – Iris (S)