It’s Bandana Day 2014, the day we take off our hair in support of those for whom having hair isn’t an option due to illness.
You’ll hear people say us doing this doesn’t make a difference. I get their point. We’re not curing anything, we’re not solving anything.
What are doing it for then? Why do we do it then?
It’s a gesture of solidarity. It’s a gesture of support, of respect. We’re saying “We’re with you.” This is how we show our solidarity and our empathy.
An example of why/how gestures matter.
I have a good friend at work and she’s going through some tough times. She’s Cuban and we’ve shared some cafe con leches over the years while we visited. I went in early the other day and stopped by the bakery, I took her a guava pastry and a cafe con leche. When I brought it to her I said “It looked yesterday like you could use a treat today.”
She hugged me and cried.
Did I fix her problems? Nope. Did I make it all better? Nope.
But I made a small gesture, to say I cared, and I was thinking of her. And it matter TO HER.
You can still get your Bandana at Hair Fair and 100% of the proceeds benefits Wigs for Kids. They are all dontated by SL residents, creators and bloggers and just regular folk like us. I hope we light up the feeds today – with a lack of hair.