For years the debate has raged, why are some avatars so frowny. It’s not just a bit of expression on the face, it’s an over exaggerated look of I don’t even know what.
It looks a bit crazy. Yes. I said it. It looks CRAZY. If this is you, YOU LOOK CRAZY. I know your blog your rules, so obviously if you CHOOSE to look crazy, then that’s all good. I choose to look like a pixel Barbie doll and obviously this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea at all. So, I am not saying that I dispute your right to look crazy, I’m simply saying – that’s how it looks to me. Or should I say – LOOKED.
Because you see, dear readers, I’ve had a revelation. I’ve seen the light. Epiphany.
You see, yesterday, I had some dental work done. QUITE A BIT ACTUALLY. Two root canals, two crowns. One on each side of my face which ended up being one horrible numbed and beat up face when it was all done.
When I got home, I went to the half bath bcse OMG HAD TO PEE. As I sat there, doing what we ladies do, I cast my glance into the mirror of my half bathroom, just a few feet away.
Fellow bloggers and readers. We must stop looking upon these frowny face avatars with such derision. They aren’t trying to be more fashiony than us. They aren’t trying to OUT SRSS FASHUN BSNSS us. THEY HAVE ALL JUST HAD DENTAL WORK.
I mean, dental work is really the only thing that could explain avatars going out and buying amazing shoes like THIS from SLINK:
And then having this face when you blog them:
Let’s make them some tea and show some sisterhood. They aren’t feeling well.
And thank you to my friend Lexi Morgan for the OMG CUTE skirt and hose. They are adorable and worked almost as well as tea.
Gidge is Wearing:
Stockings: [Stellar] Suspenders & Bows Stockings (1) white
Lip Gloss: [:Tuli:] Sara / pearl :: Lips :: Sheer Sugar Pink (gloss)
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
More Lashes: *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash – Upper (add)
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Eve Hair – Rye
Top: Fission: Say It Right cami-White (S)
Hands and Feet: Slink AvEnhance
Shoes: Slink Siren Stilettos White
SKirt: [Stellar] Ana Chiffon Mini Skirt (S) pink
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: [:Tuli:] Sara / pearl (blond) :: 02
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes – Iris
Wow, that’s a very funny read! Thanks for posting and am wishing you well with your recovering! *^.^* <– see happy pyramid eyes, dot nose, pompom ears face!