Gowns for swooshing around a dance floor have yet to be created in mesh. Mesh moves with your avatar but not so much on the wind. That’s why I’m always going to be secretly in love with a flowing gown now and again. Sascha’s Designs has released this one, and I’ve opted for the slinky one leg out version. I’m sexy like that.
It’s bodice, if I saw in RL, I would think were pasted on. But I love the pattern and the look. It’s fun and different for me. Plus even though it’s lace, no nip slip.
This is the actual VENDOR ad so you can see all the options.
I love all the options. It makes it a great buy.
I’m also wearing the HELENA skin by Tuli and I have to say, I have to wear Tuli more. She has the most amazing skins. This isn’t new, but it’s still top drawer. Go demo over at Tuli if you haven’t been in a while, it’s like being reminded what awesome is.
Happy Shopping Girls:
gidge Is Wearing:
Gown: Sascha’s Designs – Darling Apricot
Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Casual S Right
Slink Mesh Hands (av) Elegant S Left
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~smaller boobs for mesh1 (new)
Skin: [:Tuli:] Helena / pearl (light) :: 03 dimples
EyesL IKON Eternal Eyes – Iris (S)
You look great in that gown! And yeah, that’s why I don’t get it when people make fun of those type of gowns, or think they don’t have a place in SL because it’s not 100% mesh.
Yes Sascha’s beautiful flexi gowns still have a place on the formal dance floors of Second Life.
As for Tuli’s skins, they are amazing and have always suited my self created shape which I’ve been tweaking for 6 1/2 years. Even when she was gone for almost two years I continued to wear her old ones. Despite trying so many others I always came back to Tuli’s.
I make both options these days:
*Mesh WITH Swooshy parts &
* Non-Mesh gowns with Swoosy parts.
I personally still think that I am more creative with creating the actual parts in Photoshop for non-mesh items. There is no way that the top for the Darling gown for example could be recreated onto a mesh item.

But I will hobble along and try to please both my Mesh and Non-mesh customers.