I am beyond pleased to be one of the bloggers getting review copies from fashionably Dead, mostly because I wear a ton of Toast Bard’s stuff anyway. IN FACT, I’m not even wearing review copies of anything in this outfit, except that necklace that is hiding in the shirt. Yay fashionably Dead!
I am also wearing a little bunny plushie from ~silentsparrow~, brand new and in my favorite color.
Philosophical moment of the day: why is it so hard to juice fast when my stomach knows that eating will only worsten the effects of Rituximab allergies? Darn stomach. Maybe I’ll start reading thinspo Tumblrs. (Just kidding. Eat yer food, kids. Fasting is for the ill.)
Shoes: fashionably Dead (fD) Jellies – Black
Shirt: fashionably Dead (fD) tucked in T – white
Hair: fashionably Dead (fD) Saturday – Rainbow 2
Necklace: fashionably Dead (fD) Caterpi Home Necklace
Skin: fashionably Dead (fD) Bird Skin – Winter 6
Face tats: fashionably Dead (fD) Russia Tattoo
More tats: erratic koi tattoo
Bunneh: ~silentsparrow~ (sherbert) Mesh Plush Rabbit
Pants:: Milk Motion flowers highwaist pants (black)
Horns: Illusions Gazella horns
Nails: Mock Debbie Gibson nails
OH I LOVE THE JELLIES!!!! You are a lucky ducky to be a blogger for fd! So awesome!
Thank you 😀 😀 Yeah, I feel lucky, I so adore her stuff. I hear she’ll switch out the list in a few months, but until then I’m gonna enjoy it!