That’s 9pm to 5am in the hookin world. Well, I figured since I’m blogging more Whore Couture Event stuff I would change my shape. I’m wearing Meila from Aphrodisiac Shapes, which is a small slutty shape shop I own on the adult continent. Give them boobs…bitches love boobs.
Hybie is wearing:
Outfit: { Suicidal Kiss } -Sleeves Dress- White (Whore Couture Event)
Skin: .AV!SAGE *WCF* Chantelle Skin M TAN (Whore Couture Event)
Shoes: ..::HollyWeird::.. WhoriN HeelZ (Whore Couture Event)
Tattoo: Tenjin – Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes Tattoo (Whore Couture Event)
Shape: Aphrodisiac Shapes – Meila
Eyes: Ibanez Eyes – Gemstone Natural – Iceberg
Hair: [e] Garden – Brown 08
Pose in second picture: Apple Spice – Slutty 001 (Whore Couture Event)
Has the event started yet and if so, do you have slurl, by any chance? I am SOO dying to go, like, this friggin instant, yanno? Also, great pics – you totally nailed the whore thing w/o looking like a straight-up streetwalker, yanno? Kudos to a kickass post!
I don’t have a slurl yet, the Event starts March 1st. As soon as i get one I’ll post it for sure.
Hotness, Hybie!