I am not outdoorsy. I used to be. Or I wanted to be. I’m not sure which. There used to be camping. And there was hiking and other stuff like that. I remember it. I also know that once upon a time I hyper-extended my knee slipping around a tricky rock face on a trail that if it was for beginners, as the sign said, then apparently Everest was for the experienced hiker.
I am decidedly “Indoorsy” these days. Which is ok with me. I can park pixel Gidge in outdoorsy settings wearing fancy new clothes and pretend she’s a supah-model on location, right? Like this.
Right now, I’m showing you a beautiful new summer dress from Baiastice. And wheat. Lots of wheat.
My glasses are ironic. They’re a statement of the pseudo importance of traditional beauty.
Plus, they’re funny.
Your Shopping List:
Makeup:[PXL] GAIA NAT Passion Lips (Tattoo)
Makeup:[PXL] GAIA NAT Lilla Eyes (Tattoo)
Ring:(Caroline’s Jewelry) Ariella in Gold Ring
Hair:Exile Audrey/ash
Glasses:[EY:NO] Flamingo Glasses White
Shape:Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~ (new)
[:Tuli:] Sara eyebrow shaper 2
Poetic Color Eyes:classic – broken string (m) bright
Poses – STaTUS