Love is a powerful thing.
Why look what Huey Lewis said – it can apparently make one man weep and another man sing.
It can make a bad one good, make a wrong one right…..
Apparently, the power of love can keep you home at night.
It can also make you value the importance of respecting other people despite any disparity of tastes or interest that might lay between you. It makes you look for what is good in someone, or something. Because someone somewhere sees the good in you, too.
I wear what I love.
I share it with you, because I think you might love it too.
That’s the power of love. It increases when you spread it. And it gets better the more you give.
Give some love today.
Style Notes:
ibizarre melua dress in dark burgundy
glam affair jadis yuki edition 03F
Gidge Savoir Faire -shape
amacci eyelash tattoo four
baiastice lotus pumps black
exile olivia champagne
sn@tch – nail candy rainbow
<3 <3 mwah